Even if you don’t know who Bob Costas is, I bet you would recognize his voice. Especially since he just hosted the 2012 Summer Olympic Games for NBC Sports. Costas is one of (if not the) most sportscasters in America. Maybe even the world.
He has always looked extremely young, due to the combination of his small stature and baby face. When he first joined NBC at age 28, he was told that he looked like a 14-year-old. Recently, Conan O’Brien asked him why he doesn’t age normally.
Even though being small and boyish probably bothered Costas when he was young, I bet he’s glad that he’s retained his youthful appearance to this day. I’m actually the same way. I’ve always looked very young, and it bothered me for a while (you know, getting carded everywhere I went).
I’m totally cool with it now. Actually, I kind of treasure it and look forward to being a 40-year-old who looks 10 years younger than my peers.
Costas didn’t let this or anything else hold him back. He rose to the top of the sportscasting world and became an award-winning commentator for pro baseball, basketball, hockey and more. He’s also been on The Simpsons, various late night shows, video games…you name it.
I didn’t realize that he was only 5’7″ until I saw him on Conan recently.
As you know, Conan is a giant of a man, and the contrast between the two was initially shocking. Of course, the conversation that followed was one of the most thoughtful, respectful interviews I’ve seen on any late night show in a long time. You could tell that Conan has a lot of respect for Costas.
Dw says
Bob Costas has a Runt complex!
Ed says
Bob Costas has the worst fitting giant shoulder pad suits.
Geoffrey Forrest says
Isn´t that nice. Have you always been a jerk?
handsomerandyladdiebrad1953 says
At 205 lb.,sporting 181/4″ cannons (biceps),I’m likely 50 lb.AND MUCH MORE MUSCULAR AND GIRTHY THAN BOBBY C.!!!!!!!
handsomerandyladdiebrad1953 says
I’m 61-62 July 6-five-eight-and-one-half,black and just as boyishly handsome as Costas!!!!!