Ever wonder which colors are best for short men? These easy color combinations will make you look taller, guaranteed. about These 8 Color Combinations Make You Look Taller
How to Look Taller and Leaner (10 Simple Tips)
These 10 techniques will help you dress in a way that makes you look as tall and lean as possible. about How to Look Taller and Leaner (10 Simple Tips)
Dress Tall Rule #4: Color Combinations
Do you know what color clothes to wear? Do you know which color combinations work best for men under 5'8"? Read on to become a color matching pro. about Dress Tall Rule #4: Color Combinations
Dress Tall Rule #3: Wear Dark Colors
You've probably heard that the color black is "slimming" and that people who want to look thinner should wear dark colors. about Dress Tall Rule #3: Wear Dark Colors
Dress Tall Rule #1: Don’t Wear Baggy Clothing
It doesn't matter how much your clothes cost. It doesn't matter where you bought them or who made them. It doesn't even matter if they're fancy and dressy or just plain about Dress Tall Rule #1: Don’t Wear Baggy Clothing