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Goodlife Loop

Goodlife Loop was founded on the premise of reducing our brand’s footprint while educating our community on the importance of recycling clothing and textiles through reliable and transparent sources. Originally launched in-store, we have expanded the program online to all customers to further our mission of recycling every t-shirt we sell.

The program was created in response to the epidemic currently facing the disposal of excess clothing and footwear. Currently it is estimated by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) that 70% of all disposed clothing and footwear ends up in landfills while 17% is incinerated. We have partnered with NY based Green Tree Textiles that will shred the returned garments and transform them into insulation for housing. While we continue to stand by the quality and durability of our products, the intention is to highlight a more conscious and thoughtful way of consuming and discarding worn clothing to provide a circular business model that will extend the life of discarded textiles, and ultimately convert waste into value.

To incentivize the recycling of our worn products, we will provide either a 25% discount towards your next purchase or a $50 credit in your GL loyalty account. To begin your Loop, please email loop@goodlifeclothing.com

Enjoy. Recycle. Refresh.